Adding Codemirror in vanilla javascript
How to add an input box that highlight code using Codemirror
Codemirror is a free library that highlights code in webpages on the fly. Here is a basic implementaion using a CDN to load Codemirror and highlight HTML markup in it.
<!--Codemirror library--> <script src=""></script> <!--Codemirror's addon for highlighting the active line--> <script src=""></script> <!--Codemirror's xml mode script--> <script src=""></script> <!--Codemirror's CSS files--> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> <!--Codemirror's CSS files for ayu-dark theme--> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> <div class="editor-section"> <div id="html-box"></div> <!--Editor goes here--> <textarea style="display:none" id="default-text" name="default-text"> default text in the editor </textarea> </div> <script> //initialize Codemirror to #html-box var htmlCodeInstance = CodeMirror( document.getElementById("html-box"), { lineNumbers: true, tabSize: 4, mode: "xml", //For html highlighting theme: "ayu-dark", styleActiveLine: true } ); //sets value of #default-text to the editor htmlCodeInstance.setValue( document.querySelector('#default-text').value ); //Codemirror's change event listener htmlCodeInstance.on("change", function(){ //Set the value of editor to #default-text document.querySelector('#default-text').value = htmlCodeInstance.getValue() }); </script>
Place this snippet anywhere in your html and you'll get a editor with HTML highlight there.